. Studio Tips Bundle

Studio Tips Bundle

10 Essential Tips For Ease In Your Studio Practice

So many questions can arise when you're in your studio making your beautiful art. Such as:

Is this an effective composition?
How do I find my style?
How do I deal with imposter syndrome!
How do I write an Artists bio?

I get it.

That's why I've put together this special bundle of 10 essential studio tips for you to refer to when you need those questions answered!

Inside The Studio Tips Bundle You'll Get Answers To...

How does the course work?

As soon as you sign up you'll be given instant access to all the studio tips in this bundle. This is fantastic as it means you can get started straight away!

You'll receive an email confirmation with details on how to access the courses which are hosted on the New Zenler platform.

We even have an app you can download, just go to google/apple store and download the Zenler app. This is great for bingeing on the lessons on the go while you're waiting to get into your studio.

PLUS you’ll have access for the lifetime of the course, for as long as we continue to run Studio Tips Bundle. 

Grab the STUDIO TIPS Bundle Today and you'll get instant access to...

+ How To Find Your Painting Style  (valued at $37)

+ What To Do When You Get Stuck  
(valued at $37)

+How To Work In A Collection
 (valued at $37)

+ Principles of Composition
 (valued at $37)

+How To Create Meaning And Connection 
(valued at $37)

+ How To Write An Artists Bio 
(valued at $37)

+ How To Handle Rejection 
(valued at $37)

+ Acrylic Mediums 
(valued at $37)

+ How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome 
(valued at $37)

+ How To Stay Motivated 
(valued at $37)

Total Value =$370
Today's Price = $77

Ready to get your studio questions answered.
Sign up below and you'll get instant access to all 10 essential studio tips.