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The Abstract Florals 101 Experience starts very soon...
Join the Waitlist to receive the early bird discount!

Have you always wanted to learn how to paint beautiful abstract floral paintings but you have know idea where to start, or even what art supplies you will need!

Or, perhaps you're a bit of a ‘perfectionist or realist’ artist looking for a way to loosen up your painting style, but in a controlled and gentle way. But when you pick up a brush and try to do this 'abstract' thing you end up overwhelmed, frustrated or even lose an interest in creating altogether.

Imagine if you could paint abstract florals using a simple step by step formula that you could repeat over and over again to create artworks that you could be proud of. One that would guide you, but also give you the space to develop and nurture your own painting style. Imagine going into your studio excited to paint and explore new creative pathways in your work armed with a plan to get you there. 

No more fumbling around in the studio not knowing where to start. Sounds like bliss right!

This is exactly what Abstract Florals 101 is designed to do!

Deciding to sign up for Abstract Florals 101 experience was easily the best decision I’ve made in a long time. This is about a whole lot more than learning to paint abstract flowers. Natalie is an extremely talented Artist and Teacher. She has shared every detail of the process she uses to produce her beautiful Abstract Floral paintings. The process and techniques she teaches are so much fun - but also along the way I learnt about so many important art principles, all of which can be applied to any style of art for great results. Natalie genuinely cares about the success of her students. She is very approachable and available for any questions, generously sharing the wealth of knowledge she has from years of training, teaching and creating. My artwork, my confidence and my enjoyment of the process of creating have improved enormously since doing this course, and that is priceless.

Melanie Townsend
Abstract Florals 101 Student 2020

Abstract Florals 101 Waitlist

Discover a step by step process to create
beautiful abstract floral paintings

Presales open in late 2021
Join the waitlist to receive the early bird discount

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